Fabric Softener and Conditioner

Fabric softeners are used to reduce static and improve the handle of laundered items

Fabric Softener and Conditioner


Fabric softeners are used to reduce static and improve the handle of laundered items. When ironing on an industrial calendar, ironing speeds can be increased as friction between the fabric and the bed is reduced. Use of a softener prior to final extract can improve water removal and speed up drying. They reduce electrostatic charge from the washed fabric and hence reduction in the soil attraction.

Following is the Product Range:

Product Description
Midchem Fabric Softener FS01 Fabric Softener & Conditioner
Midchem Premium Fabric Softener FS02
Midchem Fabric Freshener FS03
Midchem Conc Fabric Softener FS04
Midchem Economy Fabric Softener FS05
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